About a year and a half ago, my career as a real estate agent led me to place an ad on Craigslist, which, although not directly fruitful in business, serendipitously introduced me to Justin and a wonderful community. A person who saw my ad invited me to New Vision Church in Crestline. I was new to the area and searching for a church to call home, so I accepted the invitation.
The first time I stepped into the church, I experienced an overwhelming sense of conviction and belonging. It was a smaller congregation than I was accustomed to, but it was exactly what I needed. The pastor, whose passion and warmth were immediately apparent, and the congregation were welcoming, making me feel at ease in this new environment. I kept attending the services, quietly absorbing the messages, until one day, the pastor personally reached out to me, making me feel genuinely welcomed.
A chance encounter after a service led to a discussion about real estate. The pastor, noticing the business magnets on my car, mentioned his interest in buying a home. Despite my eagerness to help, I was cautious about mixing business with my newfound spiritual sanctuary. I promised to discuss it further at a later time. My attendance at the church was driven by a more profound spiritual quest rather than business opportunities.
Eventually, the pastor and his wife embarked on their home-buying journey with me. We visited several properties, but it felt right once we rediscovered a house on Scott St - a property I had once had the chance to secure for them but was no longer available. Miraculously, it came back on the market on November 12th. It seemed like divine intervention, and we were the first to view and offer on it.
The story ended triumphantly with the pastor and his wife becoming homeowners in Crestline, aided by financial blessings at closing. This experience was more than a business transaction; it was a journey of faith and friendship. I am deeply grateful to have met Pastor Justin and Jennifer and been part of their story. Their journey to homeownership is a testament to God's unstoppable grace and glory.
Congratulations to Crestline's newest homeowners!